Soul Pancake: A Need for Love!
If you didn't know "SoulPancake" is a media company that provides various platforms to explore "Big Think" topics such as spirituality, creativity, religion, arts and philosophy. With a tagline of "Chew on Life's Big Questions," SoulPancake offers exclusive videos, creative challenges, and interviews across its platforms. SoulPancake is not affiliated with any one religious or spiritual organization. ( This video is amazing, I always loved the stuff this company has done and might have some part as to why I wanted to create my own avenue to bring forth ideas, knowledge, and thought, so as to bring about conversation and try to bring people together as much as possible. For me this video represents the idea of taking that first step toward committing to being loved! What some people now a days can't understand is that to love someone you have to first be willing to be loved in return, a lot of people can't except being loved, and don't know how to handle it, either sabotaging it during or before it even happens because of their insecurities and doubts. We're all broken, and letting yourself love and be loved takes a lot of confidence and just enough fearlessness, and today we live in a world full of "Here and Nows", "Quick Fixes" and "Sure Things", gambling is only ever done on things not beneficial to you and your heart of hearts, but to your pocket and your bank account. People rarely gamble on things that can take them to the next level spiritually and emotionally. In this video it takes a minute or so for people to feel comfortable enough to walk up to this device and actual press the button, it says plain as day on the button, "Need Some Love? Push Here" but people are still hesitant to push the button!? The hesitation to "Hit the Button", to take the first step and embark on a journey that has no defined destination and no idea as to how difficult the road will be is a really hard thing for people to do today, I guess the best and hardest way to look at it, (and I've learned this the hard way on more then one occasion) is that you should only think about the here and now, the moment now, the feeling and reasons that make you want to even entertain the idea of taking that first step. Never disregard your questions, listen to your heart, if there is doubt then it is there for a reason, but the idea to figure out what the reason is, not just cut and run! We have doubts about love for lots of reasons and some of them are valid and others are nothing more than you doubting your strength and ability to tackle the complications that every relationship encounters. "Nothing is ever easy, and if it is, it is most likely manufactured and could never completely connect to your heart of hearts." You can't love easy, the whole idea of loving someone, pulling your heart out of your chest and handing it to another person in hopes that they will look after it and that they have your best interests as a priority along with their own, is in itself a destructive act! But a destructive act that has the ability to breed new life into two people, bring new possibilities and bring forth new lines of site toward an energetic light that builds you up, wakes you up every morning in a amazing silence and laying you down every night with warm embrace. Helping you to become a better person and so much by "Completing your Self with another", but by showing you that finding the Love in yourself is the way to everything worth anything in this life, first and foremost you have to find the love in yourself, the hardest thing to do I know, but the act of putting yourself out there for someone else to catch and then giving yourself the ability to let them is a huge feat of confidence and acceptance, it takes a serious amount of self centeredness to realize truly what it takes to be loved and to love someone. And it seems like we might finally be taking the right steps toward realize that as a human race, as a enlightened people with divine lineage, it seems we might finally be waking up and remembering our connection to this planet and the universe as a whole, and that we are connected on such a deeper level, that learning how to love yourself and giving yourself the permission to be loved by someone else, being fearless in love i the only way we can survive and evolve toward that better place we all dream about, this is not a solo journey, you didn't come into this alone and you wont leave it alone, we are all together, always. Hopefully one day soon we will finally except each other and take the next steps, I hope I'm around to see it happen to be honest!! Right now we're still scared children searching for someone to accept us and not realizing we have to accept ourselves. Maturity never depends on how old you are, age is a construct of a blind society set to create limitations for you, we live and we die that is a fact, what happens in between and how long is up to you, how you define that time is your own and you can choose to perceive it however you want. And however long it takes you to learn the lessons you need to learn so as to reconnect you with the source is up to you, you can live 50 years and still be blind to life and still not be confident enough to take the steps to sacrificing your own ego. I know I'm on my journey and the difference now is that I realize it and I hope that one day soon I'm also ready to step up to the button without hesitation. - rkd