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Classic: Chris Rock "The Power of Women!"

The Infamous and ever so truthsayer himself Chris Rock tells the truth about women and the fact they have sex thrown at them from a young age! Where as men have to fight for it!

Most women unfortunately for them don't even realize they have this power and these are usually the ones who give to much of themselves to someone who doesnt appreciate them!! I see it every freaking day, to be honest more and more lately, women giving their time and energies to dumb ass fools who continue to break them down to the point where they can't tell what a guy who repsects and responds to them and their needs looks like!! And then the cycle begins....

Most of them don't even know what to do with a guy who has the potential to treat them like a human being and someone who deserves more than they have!! Its a shame and quite annoying!!

But you also have those females that know the power they have and take advantage of their abilities and in the process create men who are eventually screwed up in the head and end up having horrible views of what a women is made of! And then the cycle begins....

Its a cycle, we both spin the wheel and contribute to the inevitable carnage that develops from reliving the birth and seeding of this disfuntional relationship society!

I think men for generations have done everything they could to diminish the power that women hold over them, to tarnish them, mark them as lower then men, devils, the cause for a lot the bad things that happen in the world, from the bibles Adam & Eve, fairytales, to Pandora's Box. Instead of standing equal with them like we did in previous life times and societies which you can learn about if you do your research, its been realized that even in the Egyptian times women were actually more equal to men then we originally determined!

At some point men decided that they couldnt handle the equality of women, so we decided to demonize them.

Women you hold a power that we could never fully understand and will always be drawn to, never forget that and also never take advantage of it, even thou you contain a power that we can never understand, for you to achieve your potential you need to combine your strenghts with ours, just as we with you! Its our inability to understand the strengths and abilities of the other that has lead us to disgrace each other, when we come together equally we are more powerful than anything this planet can percieve. just my opinion, take it or leave it.- rkd


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