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The Love, Lost in the City - Brooke Lynn

So seeing my single friends in NYC struggle to find the right man just sucks. However when I hear the ratio of men to women it makes sense. But seeing the way single men treat these women so disrespectfully just bothers me. They meet on, have a couple of texts and phone calls then the big date! Assuming the woman likes him, or is desperate for attention, he will probably get some that night which is where this disaster begins.

I am always like WHY are these women so dumb to give it up so soon. Everyone knows the saying, “If you give the milk for free they don’t have to buy the cow.” But then I realize, if you don’t they will find another chick who is probably better looking and easy. So now this lovely pattern begins. smh… Giving men all the power and making this situation super normal and easy to get some fast. #OneAndDone.

These chicks allowing these guys to treat them like crap, teaching them what is acceptable then treating every new women the same way, making them (my friends) feel like shit and then they turn on the crazy woman button. And why would you blame them? Every woman has the crazy button, and these idiots are switching it on like it’s no big deal. So now they have a wall up on their new dates because of years and years of being treated like crap. Which the perception is "These girls are crazy!"

Well WTF, of course they are, AND insecure, paranoid and defensive. It just seems wrong these women are being mentally abused. Where are the moms, sisters, and aunts of these guys? Over my DEAD body would I stand for any man in my family to ever treat a woman like this?

My nephew at 13 broke up with his first girlfriend over text. All the women in my family were like HELL-TO-THE-NAW and he quickly fixed that problem. It’s that easy to teach these men what’s cool and what’s not.

It’s definitely different in NYC than any other city I have lived in.

Thank GOD I am Married.

-Brooke Lynn


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