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In Order of Living First!!

Ok, so life in its glory can have its ups and downs, it can be tough at times for everyone, and some a lot more than others, so no need for whining about it, I know most of us have it way better than others. All that aside...

But there's also this "Head Locked" position of life we've seemed to wiggle ourselves into over the generations. I mean how is it that people seem to find it natural to put themselves into situations that leave them depressed, angry, frustrated and miserable day in and day out!? We find it reasonable to complain, bitch and moan about everything wrong with our daily lives, hate our jobs, the people we work with, the money we make or don't make!

We wake up at times we hate, (complain, complain, complain) we rush thru our mornings to get ready for the job we can't stand, (complain, complain, complain) we get to work, put on our "I'm happy to be here Faces!" and then go about our days (complain, complain, complain) then its all about counting the hours till lunch so you can find some sort of escape from the Crap-tastrophy that is your day, no matter what it is, but before you know it your back at it again, (complain, complain, complain) then your steadily counting the hours till you can clock out of this Prickstorm and before you know it its time to shut it down and your happier than f@*k to cut and run!

For most you get home strip out of your prison clothes and into something that resembles the person you really are and then your on to the other half of the monotonous coin that is your life, the same couch, the same tv, the came computer screen, the same bars/pubs, the same clubs, the same excuses, the same boring ass people doing the same boring ass things just so you can fill the time and space talking about all the things you would do and could be if someone or something gave you the chance....and then before you know it, your back in the same bed and setting the same alarm clock and then just like my favorite Bill Murray Movie "Ground Hogs Day' the "Cornholing" begins again!!

The only difference is even thou 90% of the days are the same, most of us don't have sense enough to notice and take advantage of the ability to make changes and switch things up and learn something, change the day, and the experience!!!

We just go about the days in a Zombie like stuper, numbing ourselves just enough so we can get thru, a sort of "Mental Novocaine"! It's amazing the potential we let slowly leak out of the back of our brains everyday just so we can fill the front of our nob caps with meaningless crap that makes someone else a lot of money....

And before you know it, guess what!? Your old, run down and turned out and the outside of your body looks like the inside of your body has for years!! Empty!! and a bit wrinkly....

What does it take for people to wake up and realize that their life is their own, the power is yours!! We are taught to fear the system, and to fit into place, to join the "Cogs" and keep the machine moving so as to feel like we're apart of something great!? Your greatness is your own, it's yours to develop and if we all concentrate on developing the greatness within, if we took the time to concentrate on learning how to shine on our own then maybe we could then stamp out all the dark spots we seem to let linger around us, homlessness, poverty, hunger, racism etc....

I mean if your taught to keep your head down and never make a sound, and go about your day just trying to make ends meet just so you can barely pay your bills and feed yourself and maybe have some type of social status that resembles something close to a Jay-Z after party, then you'll never realize your true potential and in the process the world loses out on a possible brilliant mind, loads of people who could've made amazing changes to life as a whole for everyone, because in the end if we're all taught how to shine and then we're given the chance to shine then by default we all as a whole can shine!! We raise each other, together we find ways to alleviate move past the ridiculous things that bind us to the people we were yesterday.

"The moment we stepped foot on the this planet we were meant to rise above it, we were meant to be Celestial, we were meant to move freely, whether mentally or physically, honoring the planet that provides for us and its people. But never lose the ability to see the Universe with the eyes and the unwavering spirit of a child!" -rkd

I love movies and I also love stories that help us to remember to wake up and see the world around us and never forget who we really are, like "Office Space, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and "Hector & the Search for Happiness" for starters! If you know any movies that help you to remember to be fearless and step outside your box then please share!!

And please remember never live your days for the Weekend, live everyday as if it were the Weekend and if your life for whatever reason does'nt allow that, then change your life! Easier said then done I know but if it were easy it would'nt be worth doing!!- Rek

Suli Breaks "American't Dream" Poem:

Because there’s nothing wrong with making a honest living But be honest, are you honestly living? With this menial job which allows you just to stay afloat Yes, a job, a J-O-B Which leaves you just over broke every single month Living your life just for the weekend Living life just on the weekend Because the other five days belong to your manager You see there’s a big difference between a job and a career Because in the career, no matter how many hours you work You do it because it’s satisfactory But in a job you do it for a salary Because you're stuck in the rat race And you know being stuck in the rat race is one of the biggest of traps Because as a matter of fact, even if you win the rat race You're still just a rat.

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