V for Vendetta & it's Relevance to Today
If you have no idea or have never heard of this Comic Franchise then you need to crawl out from under whatever rock you've been living under and make an effort!!
The V series has to be one of the most influencial graphic novels ever created and it s comparisons to the crap we're dealing with today is interesting!
The social commentary and life events are scary and intriguing to say the least.The series was broken into three books that the Hollywood movie barely scratched the surface of. I wish they would've made it into a Trilogy but the movie came out way before its time if you ask me! If it had come out now it would be an awesome Trilogy!! And probably would've had a chance to have done the books justice!
Check out the books, please keep and open mind and let it lead you to asking questions about the world around you and society as a whole!! If nothing else that's one of the powers this book holds! Check it out.....rkd
Book 1: Europe After the Reign
On Guy Fawkes Night in 1997 London, a financially desperate 16-year-old, Evey Hammond, sexually solicits men who are actually members of the state secret police, called "the Finger." Preparing to rape and kill her, the Fingermen are dispatched by V, a cloaked anarchist wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, who remotely detonates explosives at the Houses of Parliament before bringing Evey to his contraband-filled underground lair, the "Shadow Gallery". Evey tells V her life story, which reveals that a global nuclear war in the late 1980s has since triggered the rise of England's fascist, white supremacist government, Norsefire.
Meanwhile, Eric Finch, a veteran detective in charge of the regular police force—"the Nose"—begins investigating V's terrorist activities. Finch often communicates with Norsefire's other intelligence departments, including "the Finger," led by Derek Almond, and "the Head", embodied by Adam Susan: the reclusive government Leader, who obsessively oversees the government's Fate computer system. Finch's case thickens when V mentally deranges Lewis Prothero, a propaganda-broadcasting radio personality; forces the suicide of Bishop Anthony Lilliman, a paedophile priest; and prepares to murder Dr. Delia Surridge, a medical researcher who once had a romance with Finch. Finch suddenly discovers that all three of V's targets used to work at a former Norsefire "resettlement camp" near Larkhill. That night, V kills both Almond and Surridge, but Surridge has left a diary revealing all three targeted victims' histories with V at the Larkhill camp. Apparently, V—an inmate and victim of Surridge's cruel medical experiments—had used fertilizers and grease solvent he had hoarded from working in the gardens to design explosives, mustard gas, and napalm, which he later used to destroy and flee the camp. V has since been eliminating the camp's former officers to keep his true identity hidden. Finch reports these findings to Susan, who suspects that this "vendetta" is actually just a cover for V, who, he worries, may be plotting an even bigger terrorist attack.