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Purging the Machine

Why is this movie the Stupidist most relevant piece of Crap that I've ever come across!!?

No matter how much I despise this movie and its concept, it's probably one of the most truthful pieces of art on the screen today!

If this rule was made real, people would act this way without a doubt and with no hesitation! And that sucks, seriously!!

To many people in our society love this kind of crap way to much and instead of it being more of a smack in the face, or us forced to look at ourselves in the mirror and then try to fix or better ourselves, no we just relish in it, enjoy it with popcorn and then after talk about how cool it was!!?

I understand and Im cool with freedom of speech and for people to have the ability to create art on the screen and put it out there, but what I'm not cool with is how this movie was presented, instead of using this as a chance to teach people and create a commentary between people it was presented as another thoughtless Hollywood Action/Thriller. People will say its not up to the Producers, the Writers and or Directors to take it apon themselves to inform people, to teach them or give them something that can help to make change and thats a load of crap!!

Hollywood is quick to use that excuse in their defence when it suits them, any other movie, thats more light hearted or meant to be inspiring is used exactly in that way! If a movie can be used to inspire happiness, a positive action or a heartfelt emotion like "Rudy", then a movie can also inspire a negative emotion, feeling and action. I'm sorry you can't use a tool as powerfull as creative thought to inspire a person and not care in what way you inspire them.

"You can't take a thought back once it's implanted into a fertile mind."

For instance, Hitler if you look back at his history, there were so many points in his life where if someone had took notice of his dire need for attention they could've given him more options than the one that he took. If he hadn't took that one side job as a spy for his government, only because he was so eager to work and to please his superiors, looking only for some sort of recognition, he very well woudln't have gone down the path he went down!! Obviously nothing is for sure, but its just that, it's very possible, just as possible as the road he took!!

We should be way more responsible for the ideas we plant in others, as entertainers or artists who write & perform they do so so as to release their negativity, the things that bother them, their hurt and pain, but what they don't understand is that hurt and pain can very well be absorbed by others who aren't fully equipped to filter it out on their own. Those people instead of seeing your hurt and seeing how you've over come it, they absorb your hurt and words and see it as you understand and agree with them and then your music and art becomes a lightning rod, something they use to voice their hurt not necessarily to release it.

There's obviously so many pieces to this puzzle, including the parents and guardians, but it doesn't just give you a pass to put out what ever the hell you want without having to think about who might be listening or watching. And I"m an Artist as well, a writer, singer, performer and producer. I know what it means to relieve yourself through your art, cus I do it all the time, but I also feel like there's a better way to describe my pains and frustrations in my art, its challenging but that's part of the process.

If your just putting out music for the sake of putting out songs you know will appeal to a certain audience because their prone to or predisposed to that type of music then your just cashing in on others misfortune and miseries and of course that's what happens 90% of the time!

Take more responsibilty to challenge yourself to find better ways to relate an emotion or idea to people that afterwards leads us to a place of positivity, where we can communicate and learn from the writer or producers experience and not feel it acceptable to repeat it.

That's my two cents - rkd


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